
Does He Really Like School - 初中英语作文200字

本文已影响 1.02W人  小鱼儿

  One day, when Jack was on his way to school, he had a friendly talk with his uncle. His uncle asked him whether he liked school,he said he liked school but only sometimes. His uncle didn't know what he meant. He asked,"when do you like school?" Jack said he liked school when he had no homework or exams. Do you know why?

Does He Really Like School - 初中英语作文200字

  Jack is a naughty boy. He doesn't study hard, but he likes to play games very much. He is very active when he is having physical education. But when he is having maths or English, he usually sleeps in class.

  Seeing a Doctor

  It was six o'clock. in the morning. Li Ming felt he was couldn't go to school. His mother took his temperature and found he was having a high fever. Li Ming's mother took him to see a doctor.

  The doctor examined him and found it was nothing doctor gave him some medicine and told him to drink more water and have a good rest.

  The next day Li Ming felt he was all right. He was very glad that he could go to school. He was so strong that he was able to play volleyball again.

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